HELP, how do I talk about CORONA with my children?

Yesterday we heard that schools will be closing down in The Netherlands for the next three weeks…how do we deal with this? How can we positively explain this crisis to our children?

Through this message I hope to share some tips and ideas that can support you during this bizarre time of life. If you have specific questions or would like more coaching, please contact me through my website:

Together we stand strong. Take good care of yourself and your family!

Aspect 1: How to communicate with your children?

Be open and honest to your children. They will pick up on information around them, so answer their questions honestly, give explanations and most important STAY CALM! Even though you might be starting to feel fear or panic, try not to make it too dramatic for your children. Try to point out the positive side of the situation: it will be a type of ‘staycation’ , there will be time to do things that we often don’t have time for.

You might need to have some serieus Corona conversations; how are we going to deal with this new situation, etc…try to initially have these conversations without the children there. When you have decided on a certain direction with your partner, you can involve the children with questions such as: ‘how are we going to spend the days?’ By involving them they will learn problem solving skills and feel motivated to implement the ideas.

Aspect 2: How to spend the time

STRUCTURE is the key word! You need to create a new structure. Involve the children in this; make a list together with things that you would like to do during these weeks; both for yourself and for the children! For an example, see my Instagram.

Make a new time plan for the day; for example with time for: school, sports, outside, relaxation, possibly rest time, and together time (board game, movie etc). Make clear arrangements when the children are allowed to spend time on their screens. 

Possible activities:

Bake a cake or cooking. Every other day it is someone else’s turn; tasty!

Make a boardgame plan; every afternoon another game.

Involve the children with the cooking; every night another cook helper.

Plan a lego day; all the lego is taken out and put together.

Listen to audio books (together or every child their own book)

Play hide and seek throughout the house.

Create a card (examples on internet) and send it to grandparents.

Make a list of movies that you would still like to see; go to the home cinema!

Put out a jigsaw puzzle so everyone can add a piece once in a while…

Do some gardening together.

Doing the cleaning together is more fun than alone; kids often like to help. 

Join in playing their favorite game on Playstation or XBox.

Go take a walk together and take a soccer ball or bike with you.

Have a small ‘concert’ at home; everyone chooses an ‘instrument’ (can be any object)

Clean up the toy cupboard together (or bedroom).

Let each child choose a goal that they want to reach by the end of these weeks.

Do one thing for someone else every day.

Try to see this as a phase in which you have a lot of time for ‘quality time’ with your children! They will never forget this; try to make the best out of it!